What are Rewarded Ads?

An Overview of Rewarded Ads A rewarded ad, also known as an incentivized ad, offers users an opportunity to watch a video, install an app, register for a website, or engage with a playable ad in exchange for a reward voluntarily. This ad type is mostly found in in-app games, many publishers also opt for […]

Confirmed Click Explained: How To Avoid

As a publisher, your ad revenue is crucial for your success. However, unforeseen issues can sometimes harm your earnings. Google’s Confirmed Click Penalty can cause a decrease in CTR and ad impressions. Whether you are already facing the effects of Confirmed Click or want to prevent it, it is important to understand the issue and […]

Google AdSense Approval: 5 Best Tips For Success

Are you tired of staring at that Google rejection message? Are you seeking ways to quickly secure AdSense approval for your website? You have come to the right place. Unlock the secrets to getting your Google AdSense approved with our top 5 essential tips. From optimizing your site to ensuring compliance, discover the key strategies […]

The Cruciality of Balanced Advertising Revenue and User Experience

Enhancing the user experience plays a crucial role in maximizing advertising revenue for publishers. By ensuring a seamless and captivating user experience, publishers can boost traffic, user engagement, and ad performance. In this article, we will explore the significance of optimizing the user experience in driving advertising revenue and provide practical suggestions to achieve this […]

Google AdSense vs. Google Ad Manager: Which Fits You Best?

Google Ad Manager and Google AdSense are two tools designed for monetizing online content. AdSense provides a straightforward method of displaying advertising and generating income for small and medium-sized publishers. Conversely, Ad Manager caters to larger publishers with more intricate advertising requirements by enabling them to oversee several ad networks and negotiate deals on a […]

Ad Fresh: A Detailed Explanation

The ad tech industry offers numerous solutions, including header bidding and A/B testing, to assist publishers in maximizing their ad revenue. Among these solutions is ad refresh, which many publishers find beneficial, although there is some skepticism surrounding its use due to its controversial nature. So, what is ad refresh? In this article, we will […]

In-stream vs Out-stream Video Ads – A PubFuture 2024 Compilation 

2023 statistics showed that a person spent an average of 17 hours per week watching video content this year. Also, when compared to other content formats, videos are shared more than twice.  In advertising, publishers tend to be interested in video ad format which is now the top-grossing source of income. It has also been […]

2024 Display Advertising Trends You Shouldn’t Skip

Due to rapid technology development and widespread Internet use, display advertising trends will continue to evolve next year. If you’re ready for these changes, you might surpass your competitors. PubFuture is your trusted partner in digital marketing, preparing you for 2024’s expected trends. We boost your digital marketing with cutting-edge methods and unique solutions from […]

CPM vs. RPM: Key Differences Publishers Should Know

CPM and RPM are metrics that publishers use to track their revenue. These metrics are often confused by new publishers, but they have distinct meanings. CPM, or cost per mile, is the amount of money an advertiser pays for every 1,000 times their ad is displayed. On the other hand, RPM, or revenue per mile, […]