Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem: The Dynamic Interplay Between DSP And SSP

DSPs and SSPs are crucial technologies for increasing the efficiency of your advertising efforts. They are also something you just can’t avoid once you enter this automated market. Automation helps increase process efficiency regardless of every industry it is applied, thus digital advertising is no exception. Automatic technology has been strongly developed thanks to the […]

Why Is It Important to Balance Ad Revenue and User Experience?

Enhancing the user experience plays a crucial role in maximizing advertising revenue for publishers. By ensuring a seamless and captivating user experience, publishers can boost traffic, user engagement, and ad performance. In this article, we will explore the significance of optimizing the user experience in driving advertising revenue and provide practical suggestions to achieve this […]

What is OpenRTB Protocol & How does it work?

In recent times, OpenRTB has gained a lot of attention and popularity due to its significant impact on the ever-changing digital advertising landscape. This comprehensive guide will help you understand what OpenRTB is, its history, how it works, its benefits, and more. Over the years, advancements in technology and changes in consumer behavior have led […]

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Ad Space in 2024

Your website or blog has the potential to generate a stable income if managed correctly. By incorporating targeted and relevant ads, you can enhance your content and earn passive income through digital advertising opportunities. But how can you become a digital publisher and effectively sell ad space on your website? In this article, we will […]

Passback Technology: Benefits of using “passback” in Advertising

In today’s digital advertising ecosystem, maximizing revenue opportunities is critical for publishers and advertisers. Publishers must ensure that they sell their ad inventory at the best possible price with a multitude of ad networks and exchanges. This is where passback technology comes into play. It’s a valuable solution that helps optimize ad delivery and revenue […]

Why Pre-roll Ad Should Be A Part Of Your Advertising Strategy?

In the compilation of In-stream & Out-stream Ads, PubFuture has introduced to you a sort of In-stream Video ad is Linear ad. Linear ad is divided into three typical types which are the ones to show up before (pre-roll), during (mid-row), and after (post-roll) a Video content stream. To delve into the effectiveness of Video […]

The Power of Frequency Capping: Enhancing Digital Advertising Performance

An advertisement’s frequency capping in advertising campaigns refers to how many times a consumer sees the same ad within a specific period. By setting an advertising frequency, we can effectively reach audiences, maintain brand consistency, prevent annoying ads, and save money for the advertiser. What is Frequency Capping? Google Ads allows advertisers to set a […]

Top 10+ AdSense Violations That Publishers Mostly Commit

It’s critical for publishers to follow by the rules and regulations established by ad tech platforms such as Google AdSense when it comes to online advertising. AdSense violations brought on by failure to comply may result in penalties and lost revenue. As a prominent participant in the market, Google is dedicated to providing users with […]

Video Content: The Key to Your Website’s Success – Here’s Why

The way people consume content has drastically evolved. In the early 2010s, written articles were extremely popular. Marketers were dedicated to obtaining top-notch written content for their websites, using it to showcase their products and solutions and convey a narrative. However, the emergence of Instagram and Snapchat gradually transformed the way readers absorb information. Infographics, […]